Nairobi Garage, 4th Floor Delta Corner Annex, Westlands, Nairobi.


Tel: +254 705 060223


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    Digital agriculture refers to the use of digital technologies and data techniques to improve various aspects of agriculture, including crop management, livestock production, and farm operations.

    It typically includes features such as weather information, crop and soil management advice, market information, and access to financial services.

    Green Edge creates partnerships with local agents and farmer groups to discuss and train on the mobile app and applications. The agents then use the app to introduce and recruit farmers.

    We can work with most agricultural commercial crops and marketable food crops grown by small holder farmers. An active project is in Irish potatoes value chain zones within Kenya.

    An internet enabled smart phone for agents. For farmers either a smartphone with internet or feature phone with SMS and USSD will work.

    Access is normally through a local farmer service centre organisation or group agent through a systematic onboarding process.

    We provide access to up-to-date agricultural information, resources, and tools, a digital agriculture platform can help smallholder farmers make more informed decisions about their farming practices. This can lead to improved yields, increased profitability, best practice farming and more sustainable farming practices.

    We work with partners who are reputable agricultural organizations, extension workers, input suppliers and other experts to provide accurate and reliable information.